Outdated septic tank replaced by a BIOROCK septic system in Italy

Outdated septic tank replaced by a BIOROCK septic system in Italy

The structure and environmental context:

Location: Podere Di Pomaio, Italy

Our client is a young and dynamic Green and Bio wine company, which offers high-quality wines with low environmental impact, local production. The Podere di Pomaio company is not only worldwide known for its wines but also for the environmental context where it grows. Located on the hill of Pomaio, just over 3 km from the splendid Etruscan town of Arezzo, Podere enjoys excellent south exposure and unique vineyard landscaping.

Characterized by a great past, Pomaio's Ancient Farm, while retaining its old-fashioned appearance, is today an organic and modern farm specializing in the production - strictly sustainable - of quality wines. This commitment has also been realized through the implementation of the "Think Green" project, an expression of the company's environmental vocation. As an example the building uses geothermal energy for heating the production facilities, reducing the CO2 emissions to a minimum.

"With the word Sustainability we mean the idea that ethical goals and respect for the environment can go hand in hand with economic prosperity and the company" (John Grant)” This is our mind, our commitment can be sum-up as followed:






Improving The World One Bottle at the Time”

One part of the building is dedicated to agro-tourism. Several apartments are rented out and their occupancy rate is characterized by high seasonality.

The outdated existing septic tank had to be replaced by a treatment plant; in this all green and sustainable context, what better system than BIOROCK could be fitted?

The solution

The BIOROCK ECOROCK-5000 system serving the building ticks all the boxes: It is suitable for seasonal occupancy of the HOLIDAY apartments and as it is completely non-electric. It perfectly matches our customer’s business philosophy.

Haluatko ottaa meihin yhteyttä?

Hei, olen José Manuel Rodríguez , BIOROCKin International Sales Director. Ota nyt yhteyttä ja pyydä ILMAINEN hankearviointi

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Jos valitset jonkin muun vaihtoehdon, täsmennä se huomautuskentässä.

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