BIOROCK-L Septic Tank Retrofit/Upgrade, Galway, Ireland

BIOROCK-L Septic Tank Retrofit/Upgrade, Galway, Ireland


Galway, Ireland


5 Bedroom House. The client had purchased a concrete septic tank and wanted to upgrade to a treatment system with low maintenance and running costs which would discharge to a percolation area.


Concrete Septic Tank provided by the client and retrofitted with a BIOROCK-L Unit with pumped outlet.


The client had planned to install a septic tank and discharge it to a percolation area. He subsequently decided to retrofit a BIOROCK Unit to the septic tank to improve the effluent quality going to the percolation area.


The installation was carried out by the client's contractor under supervision by BIOROCK and was completed in less than one day.

Haluatko ottaa meihin yhteyttä?

Hei, olen José Manuel Rodríguez , BIOROCKin International Sales Director. Ota nyt yhteyttä ja pyydä ILMAINEN hankearviointi

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