BIOROCK-L installation at Santu Lianu, Quartu Sant'Elena, Sardinia

BIOROCK-L installation at Santu Lianu, Quartu Sant'Elena, Sardinia


Santu Lianu, Quartu Sant'Elena, Sardinia


BIOROCK was approached by the owners of an established B&B located in Santu Lianu, Quartu Sant'Elena, Sardinia. As one of Europe’s last Great Island adventures, Sardinia is a popular touristic destination with numerous off-mains hotels and hostels.




The customer was attracted by BIOROCK for its capability of dealing with high or peak loads for about six months in the summer only, an impossible challenge for most wastewater treatment systems.

BIOROCK is a suitable onsite wastewater treatment solution for dealing with variable loading conditions, delivering high-quality effluent to be used for irrigation, and working without electricity.

Due to the difficult ground conditions, the BIOROCK-L system (for 15 PE) was installed in a special concrete brick pit which allowed for easier installation and ease of access for maintenance.

Plant features

Single Chamber Septic Tank, BIOROCK-L, Disinfection Chamber, and Holding Tank for treated water. This plant configuration, combined with the high-quality effluent from the BIOROCK Unit, will allow the customer to use the treated effluent for irrigation.


100% gravity into the Holding Tank and pumped for the irrigation system.

Haluatko ottaa meihin yhteyttä?

Hei, olen José Manuel Rodríguez , BIOROCKin International Sales Director. Ota nyt yhteyttä ja pyydä ILMAINEN hankearviointi

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